Monday, 30 September 2013

Brooke's Kitchen Tea Party | Sarah Moore - Hills District Portrait Photographer

What a gorgeous day for a fabulous pink Kitchen Tea Party!! 

Brooke and her family went to such lengths to make sure the day was perfect and it was. There was an abundance of gorgeous treats for her guests, loads of fun games and lots of laughter. 

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Wedding for One Fashion Shoot | Sarah Moore - Hills District Portrait Photographer

Going through my images from over the past year and came across one of my favourite shoots to date with designer Montana - Wedding for One.

Now that my blog is up and running I thought that I would put the best images from the shoot together.

Montana hand draws all the designs onto vintage garments - the detail is incredible!

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Thinking outside the box | Sarah Moore - Hills District Portrait Photographer

I get these random urges to do something different. To photograph something in a way I haven't before. To try and get it right in camera rather than photoshopping it later.

These images are a result of playing with long exposure and studio lighting. There was no real concept in mind just two willing models, a tripod and a studio light.